Learning and Emotions

From LEARNING (1.), it’s easy to see the heavy emotional aspect of learning — it’s easy to remember emotional events, hard to remember when stressed and it’s impossible to be purely mechanical with our thinking. It’s nothing close to rational as people like to say. Stress can make you forget things not only when learning……

On Being Curious

Jotting is all about questioning — all about making sure the idea on the paper is worthy of being written down. If anything, questioning is building of creativity, like going to the gym to build muscle. The more questions you ask, the more relations you build between data points (’How is A related to B?’……

Notes and Notetaking

Taking notes while learning is two things — noting down interesting points and free-writing where I’m just writing down what I’ve learnt. Write drunk, edit sober. You can always remove stuff after writing it down, but once forgotten, it’s hard to remember again. I’ve probably deleted 99% of my notes because they were irrelevant later.……

Memory and Creativity

Memory techniques like mnemonics and memory palace help. However, it is important to learn the context and be creative to use the data effectively. Spaced repetition to make memory of a data point more solid. Interleave to reduce connections related to the order of learning (like B comes after A, tell me what comes before……

Learn like we write

I had a copywriting book like no other when I was in kindergarten. There were only two sides once you opened the book. Two sides! So coveted, my uncle asked for it when my cousin started to write. Unfortunately but obviously, it was trashed a while ago. Searching for a book like that was a……

Categorized as Learning